Now SOLD to Don in Colorado! Congratulations on giving Bugeye #357 a loving new home! We will be installing a 5-speed and a supercharger kit in Tink before it leaves! Another Super Sprite in the works!
If you are looking for a nice Bugeye this summer with a 1275 engine, rib case transmission and front disc brakes, here’s a great one to consider, a product of a multi-year restoration. We call this one “Tink,” because it came with a (removable) Tinker Bell sticker on the back.

Tink (AN5 10735) looks great, and drives nicely, too. The engine and brakes are nice upgrades. The builder put in a pair of master cylinders from a later Spridget… this is a nice upgrade that gives you a clutch and brake master instead of the original single unit. Two independent systems are better!