Hang around British Classic sportscars long enough and you’ll accumulate plenty of your own throwout bearing stories. Lots of the classics we love use a carbon throwout bearing, so whether it’s a big Healey or a Bugeye (and many others) the carbon disc that contacts your spinning pressure plate is essentially a hockey puck that can wear down and/or fracture. And they often do.
If you’re fond of sitting with your foot on the clutch while idling in neutral, that hockey puck wears out faster than we would all like… so, like everything else, throwout bearings don’t last forever. And if your clutch push rod is not properly adjusted and you have inadequate free play as a result, that will also accelerate the demise of your throwout bearing. Any time a carbon throwout bearing contacts a pressure plate, it wears.

We’ve made posts about this before, but this week we saw something that we’ve never seen before, which is a throwout bearing that not only lost its carbon disc, but ultimately lost its housing as well. As the driver continued to proceed without their carbon piece, It must’ve been an awful noise as the housing got ground into dust and ultimately departed the clutch fork. I’m not sure how far they drove just using the clutch fork with no bearing, or if that’s even possible, but I suspect that’s the reason why the car was parked many years ago. (The car ultimately ended up in our shop for a complete mechanical restoration.)

The ultimate solution for all of this is to get our upgraded roller throwout bearing, which we sell in our catalog (click here or click the pictures below to order one) and which should last most of our lifetimes, if not longer. Of course, you can only access this part of your car by removing the engine, so that’s all the more reason to do it once and do it right and you can accomplish this goal with the parts we’ve listed below. Click the photos to learn more, or click here for our complete catalog!