Now ready to depart, after about 75 improvements in our workshop, including the new chrome wire wheels and spinners, and the red tonneau shown above.
This beautiful Bugeye was a top-dollar online auction win by one of our clients, which made a stop at our shop before heading to Florida. After about 75 improvements, she’s now ready to head South! It’s an awesome car, made all the more awesome after about 55 hours of our labor.
Sprites have wiper assemblies which are quite crude. The one-speed motors wipe slowly at best, and if you think you’ll drive in the rain, you’ll do better with Rain-X or a similar coating on your screen. Wipers help, but not much, even under the best of circumstances. Fortunately, these are largely fair weather cars, so the wipers are seldom used. You do want to make sure your wipers don’t do any damage to your car, however, so it’s important to be familiar with the system.
AN5L 505 was the fifth production Bugeye off the line and thus delightfully significant. She was built in April 1958 just as production of the 49,000 or so Bugeye production line was gearing up.
A tonneau is a cover for your Sportscar cockpit, and it is a very important component every open roadster owner should have. Here’s a video all about why they matter. We sell nice ones that are stretchier and that are more likely to fit. Just keep in mind that when you buy one, the fittings are not installed, so your tonneau has to be properly fit to your car, and that is often best done by an auto or marine cover professional to get the best fit.
A Bugeye is an excellent yardstick for the dexterity of an aging community. What’s your personal Bugeye-Access Index number (BAI)? This empirical measurement is often measured with a grunt-o-meter. And to cut to the chase, if your neighbors hear you grunt when it’s time to sit down and go for a ride in your Sprite, it might be time for a smaller steering wheel.