We’ve built a lot of cross-country cars that have departed our shop for a long voyage, and one of the biggest liabilities we face is the possibility of a head gasket failure. See the gasket below… this one came in on a poorly running Bugeye but looks like many we have seen before.

We’ve learned from experience that the union between cylinders two and three is a very thin strip of gasket material. I don’t care who told you that the fat head gasket they give you was superior, but if it’s only one layer, you really need to upgrading to a tri level gasket to make your head gasket bulletproof. For an extra 80 or so bucks, it buys a lot of peace of mind. Get one, other than a small up front investment, there is no downside. You’ll sleep better at night.
We’re building a tri metal gasket into every 1275 engine we build… It may be overkill, but it reduces stress. We have seen a lot of head gasket failures. We’ve never had a tri-layer gasket fail, so this is an important reliability upgrade to keep your car on the road! Click on the photo below to learn more and to order one today!