I have been driving two Bugeyes in my spare time this Fall, 501 (first production Bugeye, completely stock, correct and Concours Gold) and E3 (our third electric FrogE). These cars could not be more opposite. Although we live in a world where seemingly everyone has to choose sides, I will tell you that both of these cars are amazingly wonderful and equally special. (I say this because people love or hate electrics conversions and I invite any haters to have an open mind).

Our FrogE is special. She’s super smooth and has fewer moving parts so reliability is enhanced. It has a range of about 115-125 miles depending on how you drive it, and thus a full charge takes about four hours to consume with average two-lane driving. I have found that four hours is perfect for any small classic sports car-most customers drive for about 30 minutes in their Bugeye on average, so four hours between charges is quite practical. You’ll need to install a charger at your house… I did this for $500 after a rebate from the local power company… and now I can charge every night if I like.

Check out the video below in which I explain how all the dials work. We are converting two more Sprites this fall; if you have a Spridget that needs a power plant, these electric drivetrains are fast and reliable. Call if you would like your car converted to electric power!