Here is an important tip for all Boogeye owners.
The recesses of our noses collect debris and if you don’t blow them out, they will trap moisture and lead to infection. So make sure to keep good nose hygiene!

This is Andrew’s Bugeye, Lawton, here in our shop this week for a 1275 engine upgrade. Before this little Sprite departed our shop for the trip back to Sonoma, California, where the mud is especially sticky we cleaned out the crevices to keep this car rust free. You can see in the picture below that a combination of mud and road grime have accumulated in the corners of the nose, an area that accumulates moisture if obstructed by dirt and unable to drain.

These little clots will trap moisture and start your nose a-rustin. So clean ’em out! Dirt plus moisture equals rust! You could end up with a nose that looks like the one below, with a patch of rust in the bottom!

A little bit of time with some rags, water, and a toothbrush, and your nose will be allowed to drain properly once more. This is an area that isn’t often attended to under normal conditions; almost every nose we see has some form of booger build-up in it. So be sure to check yours today!