We’ve got three Austin Healey 3000s in our shop this week, all undergoing interesting and delightful restoration of finicky long-term annoyances. Thus, I was prompted to make a post that showcases this work because I know there are other big Healey owners out there looking for someone who can help them finally sort out challenges with their cars.

We’re here to help… we’d love for you to give us a call if you would like us to pick up your Austin Healey 3000 and bring it to our shop for restoration. We have openings in the coming months so call for an appointment. We are, with undying tenacity, ironing out niggling problems and making these cars as wonderful as the Bugeyes (and everything else) we have been building for years.
In the video above, you can see the new five speed Tremec kit we’re offering for big Healeys. We will be happy to install one of these in your car! If you’re done trying to get your stubborn overdrive to work consistently, this is a really smart upgrade, and we’ve just installed one in the BJ7 that you see in the photo below. That car was jumping out of third gear, so rather than rebuild the original gearbox, the client opted for go for a new Tremec five speed. We’d love to install this conversion for you!

This week we also installed a really cool Bluetooth stereo in a different big Healey… this one a BJ8. This stereo system is a wonderful innovation, because it’s hidden and requires no modifications that are in sight. Notice the modern head unit in the photo above… these never look right in cars of our vintage, so we much prefer the hidden bluetooth option you see in the car below.

You can mount the speakers and Bluetooth receiver on the bulkhead and operate the whole system from your phone. So, if you’d like to hear some music while you’re on your next long trip or ride to the beach, this is and non-invasive way to do so using your telephone and your playlist as your music library. It’s a delightful add-on for any classic car. This fits Bugeyes, big Healeys, and any other sports car. This unit can also handle additional rear speakers if you want to add them. In the case of the big Healey we show here, we’ve only used front speakers… check it out and get yours by clicking here!

We will be adding more big Healey parts to our catalog of offerings in the coming weeks! Call if you’d like your Healey (big or small) upgraded!