We prepare great Bugeyes for sale.
Click here to see the current inventory in stock!
We buy cars with the most potential from all over the country. Cars come in and we work hard to sort them out, so that chronic issues are finally addressed and wonderful cars can then be delivered to new homes. We have the knowledge-base to make these cars drive like they did when they were new, sometimes we can even make them better than new with modifications like retractable three-point seat belts, air horns, electric cooling fans and a range of performance upgrades.
We routinely modify cars to customer’s specifications after they are sold. Let us know how we can build a Bugeye for you!We have a purpose-built and well- stocked Bugeye service center here in Branford, Connecticut. Every car we purchase runs through our 100- point checklist. We diagnose and repair chronic issues so you don’t have to. Only when your car is ready do we load into a trailer and send it to your door.
No prices are listed on our “current inventory” page, but feel free to call or email for current pricing. We’re happy to hear about your Bugeye needs. We generally stock a variety of Bugeye choices to meet every budget. Don’t forget to click on “previous entries” at the end of the BUGEYES FOR SALE posting… our inventory changes regularly, and sometimes requires multiple pages.
We are committed to keeping Bugeyes on the road, and to making this experience of Bugeye ownership as trouble- free as possible. That’s what we do best.
Below are photos of one of our Bugeyes arriving after a cross country trip in an enclosed trailer. That’s a Ferrari over top (not ours), and the Bugeye under the cover (in case the Ferrari leaks!). In the lower picture, you can see the Sprite uncovered and on the lift gate for delivery. This is really nice equipment and representative of the type of transport company we use to deliver sold Bugeyes all over America and occasionally, to the Port of Newark, New Jersey for shipment overseas.
Check out the current inventory!“BUGEYES FOR SALE”.