If you haven’t put up your top recently, you may not have noticed if your windshield frame gap is right for the front top bar. You need a roughly 3/8 inch gap here so you can fit the front top bar in place.
We’ve restored tons of these… As the windshield glazing dries out, and with people grabbing the top of the windshield, it seems that the frame moves closer to the glass and closes the gap that would hold the front top bar into the windshield frame and stop it from ballooning as you motor down the highway. The solution is to remove the glass, replace the glazing rubber and properly contour the windshield frame, if necessary, which is exactly what we did here on the nice Black Bugeye in the video above.
Most of the Bugeye windshields out there are pretty scratched at this point and glazing rubber is often cracked and perished. If you’d like your windshield assembly restored, you can mail it to us and will take care of it for you. It’s not easy to get the new glass in, but we have it here and we do it all the time so sending us your entire frame for restoration is a great option while there’s still some winter left (and your car is spending more time in the garage).

Feel free to contact us for the service (or click the photo above for more information) and in the meantime, if you don’t have the top bar for the front of your top, we sell them here as well as a whole line of spiffy tops and bikini tops for your Bugeye! By the way, if you’re getting a bikini top, you’ll need the top bar to function in the windshield as well. Click the photos below for some of our top offerings, or click here for our full catalog!