Next up is a hydraulic leak in a new spot… checking over a departing Sprite we saw a bit of fluid weep and traced it to this right angle brass union.

A banjo bolt with copper washers holds this piece to the rear wheel cylinder and if overtightened, the union can crack as shown. And when they fail, they will spill brake fluid on the inside of the rear wheels and trash the paint. This car was lucky to have DOT 5 installed, so the silicone fluid didn’t attack the paint on these nice rims.

We are currently finalizing a supplier for new brake unions, so give us a call or send us an e-mail if you are in need of one! The bleeder nipples can also crack or round off if overtightened. Best to have a spare or two in your tool box! Click the photos below to order extra bleeders, banjo bolts, and banjo washers for your rear brakes, or click here for our full catalog!