To be fair, I was driving a really unique Bugeye the other day (Sage), so the fact that I attracted attention from an otherwise seemingly completely non-car person perhaps shouldn’t surprise me. But surprised I was nevertheless.
I would swear that the lady taking pictures of Sage in my photos here never thought about owning a classic car before, but she sure looked like she is now and was attracted enough to Sage that she got out of her late model Mazda at the pump next door and proceeded to make her own photo album.
“I like the color,” she said.
I hope she has now doubled her Instagram followers after posting all those pictures.
I was so inspired to see this woman touched by our rolling sculpture. No one seems to be paying attention anymore, we all have a lot of distractions. But here was someone who noticed, and that was very affirming. Bugeyes do that to people. We’re very lucky to have a business that puts these unpretentious little cars back on the road, and that magnetic Bugeyes keep getting new people to come out and play.