When you turn a screw, where do you stop? Do you agonize about keeping all your slotted screws horizontal and your Phillips screws perpendicular? On the very first Bugeye Sprite, we sure do… and thus this post is all about the most insignificant of details… yet we still thought you might enjoy seeing our thought process.

I have said many times the dashboard is like your living room and it needs to be perfect. It has to feel right and calm your nervous system. But when something is out of alignment, or otherwise out of whack, we intervene.

So today we are obsessing about the turn signal bezel… what is correct orientation of the slots? We have 30 Bugeyes in our building, and all 30 are different. So we turned to our supply of early promo literature from Austin Healey and find that… it’s not so easy to tell.
(There may not be a right answer.)
Check out the pre-production promotional photo shown below, complete with prototype early steering wheel. It looks like the bezel has no slots!

All other literature is inconclusive. They’re all over the place with their bezels!

The right picture (above) shows the bezel at 45 degrees, so one could conclude this is the correct angle. But this always looks wrong to me, so with “calm” firmly in mind (and with confidence that there is no conclusive “answer”), we went with horizontal. That feels right to us. And if anyone wants to know how it should be done in the future, now people can say, “well, on 501, that thing is horizontal!”