After 400-plus Bugeyes sold, we have seen countless “home remedies” employed as solutions to issues that arose over the years keeping these cars on the road. Pictured here is one of those remedies, discovered on a car in for service: a homemade horn brush for an aftermarket steering wheel made from a wood nail.
It took quite a bit of ingenuity to think up a solution like this, and to the builder’s credit, it worked! A wood nail was soldered to a length of wire with a spring and a rubber stopper used to provide the tension necessary to keep contact with the horn ring. A length of hose whittled to fit the partition in the hub was used to keep the wire from chafing on the metal hub and shorting out. While we admire the ingenuity at work, we took the opportunity to replace the home-built solution with the proper aftermarket horn brush, and the horn works as good as ever now!
If you need a horn brush for your aftermarket steering wheel, you can find one here or you can click the above picture. This style of horn brush is used in all of the aftermarket steering wheels we sell (and many others available on the market).
If you have a stock Bugeye steering wheel, you will need a different style of horn brush. Our improved Bugeye horn brush is the only one on the market that actually fits the stock steering wheel without modification! You can find it here or by clicking on the picture below.
We are well-versed in Bugeyes fitted with “home remedies”! Send us your car and we will be delighted to fix or improve everything your car needs! Give us a call or send us an e-mail to learn more!