We have recently sold our 400th Bugeye (we’re already up to 401). That means there are (more than) 400 unique Bugeye ownership stories that have helped us get to this tremendous milestone! Here are two of those stories about our great customers, the heros who got us to 400 Bugeyes sold!

Sue from Colorado wrote us recently to share her recent experiences with “Blinkie”. She writes: “My husband bought a beautiful 1959 Bugeye (Primrose) from you in 2016 for my 30th anniversary gift. ‘Blinkie’ has been my joy as part of the British Motoring Club of Northern Colorado. Runs GREAT and is always a big hit wherever we go! Earlier this year, Blinkie won “Best Euro” at the 13th Annual Aims Car Show in Greeley, Colorado. Thanks for all you do keeping Bugeyes on the road!”
Thank you for sharing this awesome news with us, Sue! Thank you for being a part of the Bugeyeguys family!

Chris has Bugeye #393 (“Sawyer”) that he has adopted with gusto! His famous quote: “I had a Porsche 911 for 12 years, and I have had more fun in the first 12 days with my Bugeye then I did in all 12 of those years of 911 ownership!” Bravo, Chris, and thanks for being one of our 400!
Celebrate 400 Bugeyes sold with us! Our “400 strong” t-shirt commemorates the 400th Bugeye sold, “Lulu”, and features a map with just a few of the 400 loving homes we have sent Bugeyes to on the back. We are currently accepting pre-orders for this shirt, so order yours today by clicking here or on the photos above!