“That is one awesome f***ing automobile right there,” exclaims the traffic guy. “I gotta have a picture of that!”
Traffic stops. Everyone waits.
What is it about this car? After 389 sold, you might think this is getting old, but the reverse is true. We still marvel.
This is Sea Biscuit, and we are getting ready to ship this Bugeye to Jeff in North Carolina, the proud new owner. The final test drive yields great comments and smiles. People pause. They pull alongside and ask questions. The world slows down a little bit. And that is such a welcome relief, when it seems like EVERYONE is always in a rush these days. There is, for all of us, just too much to do and not enough time.
It brings me great satisfaction that this is a car that holds a particular kind of key… it’s a car that interrupts. And such a simple unpretentious little car at that. Yet the impact is huge. We need the pause that Bugeye provides, now more than ever.
In these photos today, I am on a mission. It is one of the final drives in a car that is about to leave for a new home, and it has to be right. Selling this car was just one small part of the process. Making sure it will work well for the new owner takes a village. So I am listening and feeling, and looking for anything that we can make better. All the checklists are complete. Yet, I have just a few more items on my list.
I am working.
Lo and behold, the world is responding while I am at work. People are noticing, doing things I haven’t seen them do before, commenting, smiling, reacting, just because I am in this little green car. Thus, I wanted to document this, and share my moments today of profound concentration interrupted by humanity opening and warming simply because of the car I am driving.
This is a mighty little car.
You’re invited to join the party.