This is a “charged” topic (pun intended). Like it or not, EVs are the next big thing in the automotive world. Perhaps your neighbor just got an EV, and maybe you’ll be getting one soon too. And EV media hype is likely to stay “amped up” for the foreseeable future, as more and more new EVs come on the market.

Maybe this is exactly why classic cars should stay gas-powered… to stay “classic.” And there is a large group of consumers who fully intend to keep their ICE-powered old car and the exhaust note that comes with every gas-powered vintage car. I own about nine gas burners in my little collection, and I’m with you!

But hear me out, because I believe we should welcome EV classic cars with open arms, also. Our company is still very committed to great gas-powered restorations, parts and modifications, and we expect that gas engines will occupy most of our energies for the foreseeable future. But we also believe that EVs are one of the best ways we can produce the most reliable classic cars on the road. The motors are bulletproof. There’s no transmission to jump out of gear or leak oil. No carburetor issues. And no clutch issues for clients with knee, hip or body challenges… one-pedal driving is easy on the body.

For 16 years we have been pushing hard to make the most reliable Sprites on the road. It’s getting harder and harder. Parts aren’t what they used to be. And we have to work hard to source the best components, and work even harder to make everything fit. So an EV classic British sports car is very attractive, and as 50s and 60s classic roadsters continue to wear out, maybe an EV conversion is now, more than ever, a practical pathway forward.

We are currently building our third EV-powered Bugeye, FrogE 3. This iteration is already light years ahead of the first two that we constructed. This is our first EV with Tesla batteries. The energy density is such that we can pack 100 mile range into a smaller space than ever before. The batteries are also liquid-cooled for optimal efficiency, and FrogE 3 has about 50% more horsepower and torque than our prior versions.

With each car that we build, we are getting better and better at innovating and interfacing electric car newness with classic old-ness, for a seamless user interface. Sure, we can’t make ’em smell like burning oil… yet (maybe with aromatherapy we will solve that problem in the future), but for now, I have to say that this is a smart alternative for someone who can spend a little bit more now to save internal combustion engine maintenance and transmission rebuilds later.

If you’d like us to convert your Sprite, or any other classic British car, we’d be delighted to speak with you. If you have an MGB, Spitfire, TR3 or any other classic… we are familiar with all of them and they are all welcome here for electric conversion.

Electric conversions are going to remain an important part of our business and while it won’t be our primary pathway forward, it’s a category that we enjoy and for the right customers, it’s a very smart choice.
Feel free to call if you’d like to discuss converting your car. In the coming months, you’ll see EV number three coming together in our shop (for a client who already owns two gas-powered Bugeyes)!