Part of the process for the concours judging car 501 will undergo is the scrutinization of bits that the standards refer to as “Loose Equipment”. One of the components of this section of the judging is the tool kit that came with each Frogeye. There are eleven different and unique components present in the tool kits that came with most Frogeyes (the first 42000 or so cars came with the eleven-piece kit. The kit was streamlined after this to a seven-piece kit that eliminated some of the smaller and less helpful bits).
Check out the video below for an overview of the tool kit in its entirety!
Each part of this kit had to be meticulously restored to the specifications the standards laid out. In some instances, there were two different colors available; both black and a red-orange color could be had. We went with black for our tool kit because to us it matches the motif of car 501 better than a red-orange set would, and it’s easier to replicate without any guesswork involved related to the paint color.

One of the most important aspects of the tool kit is the pouch in which it is housed. These pouches were made of a very thin plastic that was heat-sealed and they almost always have deteriorated beyond use by the time they make it into our shop. We were very fortunate to have been supplied with a like-new tool pouch when we received the car!
Every aspect of the concours process is very detailed (and sometimes a little tedious), but its all part of the fun of building a Gold-medal concours Frogeye! Its completion inches ever closer!