Now SOLD to Don in Colorado! Congratulations on giving Bugeye #357 a loving new home! We will be installing a 5-speed and a supercharger kit in Tink before it leaves! Another Super Sprite in the works!
If you are looking for a nice Bugeye this summer with a 1275 engine, rib case transmission and front disc brakes, here’s a great one to consider, a product of a multi-year restoration. We call this one “Tink,” because it came with a (removable) Tinker Bell sticker on the back.

Tink (AN5 10735) looks great, and drives nicely, too. The engine and brakes are nice upgrades. The builder put in a pair of master cylinders from a later Spridget… this is a nice upgrade that gives you a clutch and brake master instead of the original single unit. Two independent systems are better!

Tink’s seats, carpet and steering wheel are also new. We installed a new windshield lock strip and windshield-to-body gasket. Its windshield frame and posts were chromed and they look very shiny! The cockpit trim is well-polished too.

The underside is solid and the floors look great! A new fuel tank is also installed. The builder replaced tons of parts so there is good value here.

The car comes with a good four-speed ribcase transmission. We can also upgrade to a five speed transmission if the new owner is so inclined.

No top came with the car, but we can fit one if you like. She does come with some original side curtains you can restore.
This is a nice Bugeye at a reasonable price! Send us an email or give us a call if you are interested in taking Tink home!
If you are interested in making some of the upgrades Tink has, check out the links below to see some of what makes Tink wonderful!