These little L shaped rubber buffers are often missing on cars that come to visit, and thus we add them all the time. They also dry out, crack and become rock hard, so they need to be changed periodically.
The hard part is locating them, and so in this post, we have the proper dimensions so you can situate yours properly. These dimensions shown will help you drill holes in the correct location, at least fore and aft. Your car should have those original holes in place, but if your rockers were replaced, or your car had recent bodywork, the holes might be gone so you have to recreate them.

Locating the buffers on the perpendicular axis is more challenging, because many front fenders bend into the inner fenders. You might find that the buffers have to be trimmed slightly to make everything fit. Of course, the best solution is to bend the wings so they are parallel with the rockers before you mount the buffers, but this isn’t always possible if new paint is involved.
This is one more important detail to get right on your car. These rubbers will help damp the nose, protect the paint and make your car more rattle-free!