Here’s one of the more radical Bugeyes we’ve seen yet! This car has been completely transformed into a purpose-built racer for SCCA Solo 2. I don’t have the records-it’s not our car, it’s here for us to make it work once again-so I don’t know how it performed. But the build is impeccable, with dozens of modifications. The suspension and rear end bear little resemblance to an original Bugeye. And the rotary engine is of course an amazing compact yet powerful upgrade!

Take a good look at the underside pictures… the builder cut out a space for the new exhaust and ran it through the passenger seat area, and built a custom braced box to allow this modification without compromising frame strength. There are numerous custom features.

The new owner has wanted to make this a street legal car… but it is so dedicated to speed and handling, I am not sure that will be possible, and it would seem to be smartest to keep this machine a dedicated racer.

We’ll get this rocket running in the coming weeks, once we change the master cylinders and fuel pump, to get all the systems operational again. Stand by for great driving video!