Ducky continues an epic trek across America! Total mileage now is about 2200 and the Larricks were last seen heading across Nebraska. You can see their last reported location below. You can also see in the video above what it might look like after roughly 60 hours on the move in a Bugeye cockpit.
TJ and Karen are still smiling.

They had an exceptional evening this week with the Austin Healey club Kansas City Chapter, which happens to be the home of Kirk and Kelly Horner and Patrick Carr, who have previously shipped us their Bugeyes for restoration work. It was a real honor to see all three of these nice cars we built all in one place, with their proud owners. Too bad we couldn’t be there, and I am sorry we didn’t at least make a FaceTime visit!
Alas, it certainly looks like good stories were shared by all. And while it might have made the meeting a bit less exciting, (thankfully) TJ didn’t have any tall tales to tell that included broken parts and sides of the road(s), and this is just fine for us! I bet most of the stories had to do with the adventure in general, and we are ecstatic that the car has been running without issue for such a long way and in the extreme heat we have had this past week all over America.

As of this moment, Ducky’s only failure was the turn signal flasher. We have seen so many of these fail over the years, we are not terribly surprised. They grabbed a new one at a local auto parts store for about $10, and it was easy for TJ to change.

We have a new upgraded flasher unit available and it should be in everyone’s road kits from this point onward. We’ll certainly use the upgraded ones in all our future builds, that’s a very easy running change for us to make!
Click here to order yours. We’ll be back next week with another update!