Manifold unions are forever a problem on Spridgets.
Today, we had one break, so I felt inspired to make a post about the various configurations and related issues.

Of the 307 Sprites we have sold, almost all of them have come to us with a leak at the manifold to downpipes union. It’s a bad design, and if your downpipes is at all deformed, it’s really hard to make it work without a leak.

The best solution to this problem is to do away with the union all together and replace the manifold and down pipe union with a header. We sell a nice one piece header that fits. The two piece headers are easier to install but generally do not fit the cars and hang too low. So this one piece header is what we recommend. (Which you can purchase by clicking here)

In the video below, I dig into the issues we regularly encounter at the manifold-to-down-pipe union.
If you’re interested in an old header, give us a call at 203-208-0980.