You might remember this wonderful display car that we built last year and delivered in the fall of 2020 (click here or here to see earlier posts about the project). The building is now nearly complete and the speakeasy is all set up. In the photos below, you can see the one and only Bugeye lounge. Looks inviting to me! Imagine hanging out with your friends with a Bugeye back-drop all year long!

You can find this car at 1 Bergen Street, Harrison, New Jersey. Stop in and have a look! It looks like a great space for a party, but I think it’s reserved for residents of the building.

If all units of this new building sell out, maybe we’ll be making more of these to help sell more real estate!?
You can see “Luv Me” being delivered to the project site below.

Below is a photo from the first time we saw “Luv Me”. We’re glad to help others take their projects like the photo below to a beautiful car to zoom around in, or even your own piece of Bugeye furniture!