Most Bugeyes do not have the correct fuel and brake line clips. There are two types, both of which are often long gone on the cars that we see in our shop.

The first is a “bobby pin” type and it fastens to the fuel and brake line courtesy of the reinforcing channel that runs longitudinally under your floor pans. You can see two of those in the photo above, looking up and aft at “Sunny.” That’s the rear axle and drive shaft in the background for reference. In this photo, you can see the fuel and brake line clipped to the rail as they make there way along the underside of the car.
Below, you can see the same type of clip used at the forward/leading edge of the floor pan, where the same two fuel and hydraulic lines leave the floor pan and head up to the frame rail under the engine. You can purchase these clips by clicking here. We recommend using four-six of these hairpin style clips to secure your lines to the rails.

Once the lines move up under the engine and transmission and on top of the frame flanges, you need these babies shown below. These slide over the edge of the frame members and the barbs bite into the frame. You then slide the pipe into the clip to hold it in place. You can see this one in use under the oil filter, securing the fuel line as it travels toward the fuel pump or carbs up front. The fuel line is just visible inside this clip… note the slave cylinder piping above, but only one pipe can be held by these clips at a time.

If you want them, we have these “S” shaped fuel line clip (which you can purchase by clicking here), and they make any car underside look a lot more tidy and accurate! We recommend using four of these “S” shaped clips.
These clips will make the underside of your car very tidy, and correct!