These holes came drilled in every Bugeye frame and they make a lot of sense. Water and grit can collect inside this frame rail pocket and make a slurry that is assured to trap moisture for generations. So make sure your weep holes are clear to allow this area to drain. They’ll help protect your frame for years to come!

As a special “don’t do this to your Bugeye Sprite” bonus, I’ve included a photo of the area in question (that has been smashed with a sledge hammer) to show you where the water and dirt actually collect. This is the passenger side and you are looking at the forward end of the passenger footwell, shown on the left side of the image. The triangular zone you see is where the water and dirt get in, thrown up by the front tire.
In this particular car, a prior owner has hammered in the lower portion of this zone to accommodate a larger tire. Not pretty!

In the picture above, you can see how clogged and nasty things have become on this particular car.

In the photo above, this particular restored car was repaired in this area and no hole was drilled after the repair. We’ll fix that during assembly.
So check your holes!