If the front end of your Sprite makes a scraping metallic sound, there’s something wrong!

Here’s one of the more unusual ways we have seen someone make metal to metal scraping noises! Note the caliper piston outline on the friction material of the front disk brake pad we removed from a Bugeye this week. This pad was installed backwards! Below, you can see the scoring on what is supposed to be the back of the pad from where it was contacting the spinning rotor. This is the first time we have ever seen a new pad installed to mimic a completely worn one!

Fortunately, we fixed this before too many miles were put on the car and the rotor was not damaged. And by turning around this pad, problem solved (better braking too)!
We’re big on front disk brake conversions and if you are looking for a conversion kit, we sell a great one in our catalog, which you can see by clicking here. And if you need new disk brake front pads, click here to see those too. Some people sell racing pads but we’ve found that the ones we sell work best. Harder pads take too long to heat-up for street use, and we’ve found they don’t stop as well for road use. Of course, they all work best when the friction material contacts on the rotor…