This hydraulic pandemic knows no limits.

Above you can see the master cylinders from a striking TR3B we currently have in the shop for mechanical restoration.
The clutch cylinder leaked fluid all over the nice black peddle box and the brake cylinder was ready to do the same. This is crud and corrosion from moisture in the hydraulic fluid, which causes everything to decay, pits the bores, eats up the seals and then causes lots of leaks.
People often complain about Lucas electrics, but it is hydraulic parts that give us the most trouble on old British sports cars. Moisture kills them.
Your hydraulic fluid is drawing moisture out of the atmosphere each and every day. We change hundreds of wheel and slave cylinders annually. Save yours. Change your fluid every 2 years. Get the water out. Keep it clean.
A peek into your master cylinder should reveal ginger ale, not a black hole. If you are stuck at home and have cleaned-out all your closets and manicured your front yard and walked around the block more times than you care to admit, please proceed to the garage next, and change your hydraulic fluid.