Last week, you saw our Bugeye “Harvey” undergoing an interior color change from black to tan (per the new owner’ request), as we prepare the car for its trip to a new home in Seattle (by enclosed trailer). Rather than simply deliver that color shift, we set out to make a spectacular tan cabin in the process, and to upgrade the interior in nearly every way. In the process, Harvey has become quite a rolling sculpture.

This week, we finished the carpet and seat installation, and mounted the roll bar. Last week, we hinted at our color dilemma with the roll bar… chrome and silver were discussed… we settled on leaf green and I love the result. Because the whitewall tires are more “sedate,” a roll bar too racy (in black or chrome) would not mate with the feel of this car. This is a safety accent, not a feature that needs to brag at the stoplight, and thus a color-matched roll bar makes a lot more sense. We wanted to downplay the bar. And in leaf green, it works.

This week, we also made and installed custom door panels, and lined the doors with vinyl too, to keep the tan theme intact. Note the new custom tan check straps made from the same Java material, and stitched with green thread.

We also started to make the custom tonneau, which will be custom fit with velcro tabs to close around the roll bar.

Here too, we had the luxury of several color choices. The tan tonneau you see above read too “military” by my eye and made our handsome cockpit a bit of a black hole. I felt much better about the creme tan everflex material we chose.

While trending toward white, the tonneau below has distinct warm tan tones, and will better reflect the sun, and there is something very calming about an auto interior that starts dark on the floors and lightens as your eye ascends.

And so concludes another week in which I am quite grateful for our wonderful clients, and grateful as well for the opportunity to stylize our 268th Bugeye sold (not to mention the health of our families and crew!)
Next week, we’ll share Harvey once complete! Be well! And play it safe!