As toilet paper gets more and more scarce, you can be sure we will always have a fresh supply of Bugeyes for you here on our shelves. In fact, these have been particularly busy weeks for us here. Thankfully, our entire team is well and strong, which has helped them to make the cars well and strong too!

This week, we bid farewell to “The Lobster,” now on the way to Bend, Oregon (and Lou’s waiting arms) in this enclosed trailer above. According to the truck driver, he breezed through Indianapolis at rush hour without even disengaging his cruise control. That’s one small fringe benefit in these trying times… highway volume is way down, and trucks can make good time.

This week we also said farewell to “Indiana,” Pete’s Bugeye from Florida (with Indiana plates). This car enjoyed about 150 improvements on a multi-month sorting adventure in our workshop. According to the owner, he never would have gone above 40 mph before the car was here. Above, I am comfortably cruising at 75 indicated, on I-95. We completely transformed the car into a delightful driver and it’s in the trailer on the way to Florida as I write this.
Give a call or email if you would like your classic car sorted and transformed. And we always keep a nice inventory of fully-vetted classics if you would like to purchase one for yourself. Our cars are comfort food for socially distant souls.
We wish you and your family good health!