Why is this man smiling?

He has just discovered “the missing link,” and the secret to protecting your Spridget cockpit trim. This ingenious washer lives on the sidecurtain thumb screws and protects the polished aluminum each time the side curtain is slid into place. And all this ingenuity on his first day of ownership of his new Bugeye Zoya (# 258). Who knows what Dr G will come up with next?
Below you can see the washer in place, doing its job.

New Sprite, new innovation, willing partner. What more could a man want?

Below, the are off to Cape Cod on their maiden voyage, comforted by the fact that no cockpit trim was damaged on their watch. You can get your very own rubbers by clicking on this link (and every Spridget with sidecurtains needs them). Thank you Tom and Jennifer for your contribution!