People often ask me how to best lift a Spridget. The picture above shows a few options.
The top circle to the upper right in the photo shows our favorite spot, because the front subframe rail is the strongest part of the front of the car. This is the structural member that runs forward to the bumper mount hanging on the front of the car.
The yellow lift pad in the photo above is located on another very strong portion of the front of the car, along the flange at the front of the footwell box (in this case on the passenger side of the car). If lifting here, you’ll want to be careful you are far enough forward so that you don’t dent the footwell gusset, marked by an “X.”
You can also lift at the outer corner marked by the left circle. If lifting here, make sure you don’t damage the outer flange under the rocker panel, because it will be visible for all to see for the life of the car.

Happy lifting!