We have had a busy week, preparing a few more Sprites and sending them on to new homes. We’ve now sold 256 Bugeyes. It wasn’t long ago that we crossed the 100 car mark, and that seemed unimaginable to me. Our current Bug-o-meter total of 256 is a number that fills me with tremendous gratitude, for a glorious journey and a great team that helps make it all happen.

I can’t help but wonder what kind of difference 256 Bugeyes makes in the world, as they actively run around and elicit smiles from pedestrians, passing motorists and owners alike. If one Bugeye makes one person smile at a rest area or filling station, what impact has 256 healthy Bugeyes upon the world? We hope to shift this country’s happiness quotient, one Bugeye at a time.
Above you’ll see David from Martha’s Vineyard, smiling with his new Bugeye “Hudson,” later loaded in an enclosed trailer for delivery. That particular car came with the original bill of sale, which is reproduced below and worth a closer look.

This car was sold new on March 9, 1962, for $1,980. Mr Marconi traded in TWO cars on that day, a 1954 Ford sedan and a ’53 Ford two door, with a total trade in value of $780. This left him a balance due, which he paid off in 30 installments of $52.32 (also note the mere $50 deductible for collision).
So, for less than the price of your monthly cable TV bill…
Also of note is the timing of this transaction. We know from production numbers that this car, car number AN5L 38415 would have been built in 1960. It was listed as a 1961 model even though no USA models were supposedly built after 1960. Moreover, it was first sold in March of 1962. How could this handsome car have sat with no suitor for all of 1961? Here is one more story of BMC dates and numbers that are difficult to reconcile. All that we can really know for certain is that this particular car was sold new in March of ’62.
Congratulations on your purchase David, and thanks for keeping the original cherry red color and original bias ply white walls in place, on your restored car! May you keep it as long as Mr Marconi (more than 20 years)!