In our continuing series of Bugeye heavy equipment photos, (Bugeye with Cat Deisel power was a popular one, as was Bugeye snowplow) here is the “Bugeye Loader,” or “Loader with Bugeye runabout.” As you can tell, I get a kick out of juxtaposing little Bugeyes with big machinery. I couldn’t help imagine that we might use the Lull to load Bugeyes onto passing trains for national distribution.
Actually, the Lull pictured in the top photo has lived on our property for the past few months as our headquarters gets renovated. It was in my way when I went to test drive the Bugeye “Gerry” before delivery, and I was delighted to see the Sprite could fit underneath the boom so I could get out. I also enjoyed weaving the Sprite under the giant machine, because all of our future work in our new home is forever interwoven with this massive construction project that has taken many, man hours and much heavy equipment. We’ve turned a leaking 1951 Quonset hut into a super cool shop, from which we can continue to grow.
Below are some “before” pictures as well as photos of the Lull hard at work catching the concrete from the front of our building, as our team knocks down the top of our former rectangular facade so our new arched roofline can emerge. Many thanks to Munger Construction and Tappe Architects for making our new home beautiful.