We’ve been particularly busy this year.
We moved into our 1951 quonset hut in July with the intention of designing a very cool new space. This has been a massive project, and it started with a lot of digging and drainage issues, which uncovered (what I hope was) this good omen:
We’ve been digging ever since, and cleaning, and planning, and plugging leaks, and designing. Lots of designing. We are grateful to have friend and MGA, B and Bugeye owner Jeff Hoover from Tappe architects and his amazing team creating our plans, as we forge onward.
This December, we start our facelift, with new windows, and then we give our new home hair and a hat… first we will insulate the exterior of the building and then put on a new steel cap. This new roof will will allow us to remove the moldy insulation on the inside and expose the vintage ribs and galvanized steel. The result will be the ultimate 100 foot long tube full of Bugeyes.
Here’s a slideshow of our early progress, as we craft our headquarters for a very Bugeyed future. This building originally stored wooden forms for the iron foundry across the street. The last tenant was a glass blower, and I have included a few photos of his glass shop before we purchased the building.